Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Simple Truths

Don't you love when God reminds you of the simple truths in life? Jesus loves me. Then He uses that truth and continues to put it before you. Our pastor preached a sermon a few weeks ago that reminded me that Jesus loves me and my acceptance comes from Him. I have just finished a book, "The Organic God", which I highly recommend, the author not only mentions that simple truth: Jesus loves me, but asks "What do you love about Jesus?" I love that!! I have found that over the last few weeks that has resonated within me...what do I love about Jesus? There are so many things that have been brought to mind. I love that He loves all of my sin and the yuck I carry, He loves me. I love that He still a world that is full of noise, "He is not silent, we are not listening." I pray for me and for my family that we will hear and obey that still, quiet voice that still speaks. I love Him because the world teaches us we can never have enough, but He is enough. He is enough!! I love Jesus because for some crazy reason He came into this world and died for ME(and for you)...and although nails held Him to that cruel cross, His love for me (and for you) would have kept Him on that tree. That is amazing to me!! I love Him because His mercies are new every morning, and with a 2 and 4 year old I need His mercy every day :)!! I love Jesus because His grace flows freely down to me. I am so thankful for the simple truths He puts in my life to remind me of His love and His goodness.