Monday, March 15, 2010

My Heavenly Father

Recently, I've realized when I pray that I don't usually start with Father.  Well, I guess I've always known that I tend to call Him another name, but I have been more aware of my prayer not beginning with Father in  the past few weeks.  I have been more intent to start my prayer with Father, and God has placed several different pieces in my path as I've begun to call on Him as Father.  The other day in my quiet time I read The Lord's Prayer, and it starts Our Heavenly Father.  Jesus taught us to pray using the name Father.  Then last week I came across a devotion in my Bible written about God as Father.  It said, "One of the most illuminating names of God is the one especially revealed by our Lord Jesus Christ, the name of Father."  The name itself holds in it wisdom, power, and goodness and a perfect supply of all our needs (taken from the devotion). 

This caused me to begin searching my heart a bit.  To say that the relationship between my biological father and me is strained would be an understatement, we haven't spoked in 7 years.  I don't want to get too bogged down with all the gory details of our relationship, though God has used this part of my life to minister to others.  If I am completely honest, it has created a gap in my relationship with my Heavenly Father.  God has provided me with a man that technically is my step-father, but I always refer to him as my Dad.  He came into our lives a long time ago, and he is the one who walked me down the aisle to my now husband.  He has provided A TON of healing in my life.  He is the one my children know as their grandfather.  He is the one that helps me to have a healthier view of my Heavenly Father.  I am also getting to watch my Sweetie as a father to our children.  He is a great Dad and wants the very best for our boys.

I believe, no, I know that by my beginning to start my prayer with My Heavenly Father, God is beginnning to heal all of the gap in my heart and relationship with Him.  It has always been an area that I didn't want to admit had been affected by a divorce and getting to see my biological father for who is, who he is not, and who I wanted him to be.  I have forgiven him, and there was a time when I prayed to forgive him but asked God to forgive me of my own unforgiving heart.  I am not mad at him anymore.  There are moments in life it makes me sad but not angry. It did affect me, but my Heavenly Father is healing that part of me.  I'm thankful that He put a Dad and my Sweetie in my life that began the healing process.  I'm thankful for my Heavenly Father who is going to complete the healing in His time.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Sweetest Prayer

This evening my sweetie and our oldest were going through the Upward Soccer magnet hanging on our fridge that talked about salvation.  My sweetie went through all the steps with him and then asked did he want to pray the prayer, to which he responded yes.  I was getting toothbrushes ready but listening to their conversation, as my heart began to swell with emotion.  Ah, the sweetest sound to this Mama's ear, as my oldest boy began to pray the prayer and ask Jesus in his heart.  "However,...but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." (Luke 10:20)  

Tonight, I know the angels were singing and His Heavenly Father was smiling down as our oldest asked Jesus into his heart, and his name is written in the Book of Life!!  I think anytime is the perfect time, but I loved that during this time of Easter drawing near that my oldest would ask the One who gave His life for him to come into his heart.  I rejoiced and my eyes grew moist as I hugged that little one close and told him I loved him. I am thankful for his Daddy to take the time to walk him through the steps but also asked him if he wanted to pray the prayer.  No sweeter words, no sweeter time than to be part of hearing your child pray that prayer.  I am thankful that JD knows Jesus loves him.  "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6